aptus360° is a cloud-ready Employee Performance Management Suite-that systemically helps an organization know the most appropriate and suitable employee-for a competency and a role-today as-well-as in the future (the successor).
We believe that people capital is highly valuable. In many cases, it’s the largest cost category for businesses and can be a source of competitive advantage. Organizations that engage and understand their people, and that use their insight wisely can outperform their competition. However, they are often constrained by their performance management systems due to:
- Antiquated user-interfaces
- Cumbersome and counter-productive accessibility
- Time-consuming and tedious appraisal processes.
- Complex work-flows, etc.
Unnecessary process delays result in declining productivity, increasing employee attrition, underutilized resources, skyrocketing costs, and more.

aptus360° brings innovation and yet simplicity and ease-of-use to the customer, while providing
them with features that increase people engagement and enable employee competency and
performance management in a systemic manner.
While enabling a holistic view of the organization’s performance appraisal processes, the highly configurable cloud-based solution can be easily utilized by employees, managers or management and is ready for use within weeks rather than months. The offline capability enables organizations to save considerable time and effort.
aptus360° serves as a helpful tool to effectively assess employee potential, address identified areas of improvement, and reward basis better performance analysis.
Key Features
Unique Propositions
- Intuitive dashboard user-interface
- Goal Cascading – within team, down hierarchy
- Snapshot archival
- Multi-dimensional, interactive Bell-Curve enabling moderation
- Multiple plans for diversified groups – with exclusion definition
Performance Appraisal
- Goal, Competency and Cycle definition
- Self-assessment and appraisal
- Multiple and alternate hierarchy definition
- Performance review
- Training need analysis
Extended to
- Promotion
- Succession planning
- Condensed
- Offline secured, controlled excel interface
- Robust and easy integration with any data source
- On Behalf working by proxy
Key Business Benefits
Automate Performance Management System

HR Department
- Reduced Appraisal Cycle Time
- Improved Visibility of Process Progress
- Increased Efficiency & Effectiveness
- Enhanced Credibility of the Department
- Reduced Attrition Rate
- Increased Employee Engagement

- Reduced Review Process Time
- Greater Insight Into Workforce Capabilities
- Increased Quality, Effectiveness, & Efficiency
- Increased Strategic Contribution to Organization’s Objectives
- Boost in Bottom-line
- Increased Employee Engagement

- Improved Adoption Rate
- Better Visibility of Individual & Team Goals
- Focus on Performance Management Process
- Increased Strategic Contribution to Organization’s Objectives
- Increased Productivity
- Performance Appraisal No Longer a Burden